Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: QB2 vs SC Comparison

Just went over the Teck Sedar QB2 NI and comparison follows:

Base case Scenarios TCK QB II CUU
Stage PFS Jun-2008
NI 43-101 (last update) Jul-11
BFS Project Mgr Wardrop
Cu Base Case $3.25 $2.97
Cu Recovery 88.4%
MO Base Case $17
MO Recovery 71.0%
Au Base Case $1,256
Au Recovery 81.0%
Ag Base Case $20
Ag Recovery 71.0%
Tonnage Proven 1,436,333,000
Proven avg Grade 0.50%
Tonnage Probable
Probable avg Grade
Tonnage Measured 744,176,000 146,600,000
Measured avg Grade 0.42% 0.48%
Tonnage Indicated 1,011,500,000
Indicated avg Grade 0.46%
Tonnage Inferred 1,806,460,000 597,200,000
Inferred avg Grade 0.41% 0.36%
Contained Copper lbs 38,970,118,440 16,514,300,000
Holes 1,593 286
Meters Drilled 321,799 95,962
Average Grade CuEq (M&I) 0.50%
Cu cutoff 0.30% 0.15%
NPV & 5% (after tax) $2,983,847,000
NPV @ 8% (after tax) $2,050,000,000 $1,597,500,000
NPV @ 10% (after tax)
IRR 12.8% 18.6%
Avg Annual Cash Flow (after tax) $360,325,000 $350,000,000
Payback period (years, after tax) 5.8 4.9
Unit Cash Costs Ttl ($/lb Cu) $1.08 ($0.32)
Daily Feedrate (tpd) 135,000 120,000
LOM (years) 39 23
Initial CAPEX $5,600,000,000 $2,950,406,000
Sustaining CAPEX $797,379,000
LOM OPEX ($/tonne ore) $12.49
Annual Cu Production (lbs) 240,000,000 240,000,000
Shares (fully diluted) 406,200,000
Share Price $1.17
Market Cap $475,254,000
Cash $3,000,000
AMC (Adj MC) $0 $472,254,000
Share $ per lb CU $0.0000 $0.0286
JV Partners Teck
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