Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Spoke with ES

Sometimes reading these forums is like surfing with no beach in sight. You just gotta get up on that wave and ride it out.

I called and spoke with Elmer a couple of days ago, and he is such an impressive professional to speak with. Given all the things he has on his plate, he still takes the time to receive phone calls from retail investors.

I was worried about EE being averaged in at $0.xx cents per share. My concern was that he could vote to accept a low-ball offer and simply double or triple his investment without worrying about the rest of us.

1) I asked Elmer - "With EE wearing the hat of a) a director of the company and b) a majority shareholder... which hat holds more priority?"

Elmer's answer was that EE, as a director of CUU, is required to maxmimize the value for ALL SHAREHOLDERS. We discussed the point for some time, but effectively it boils down to this: EE can't just majority-vote to accept any lowball offer if it turns a personal profit for him. He must approach all offers in a manner that maximizes the value for all shareholders (not just him). He also chuckled a little and reminded me that MUCH of CUU management had MUCH of their own personal money invested here.

2) I asked "All of the NRs have been worded very carefully surrounding the timeline for the BFS. Will you clarify for me if the NRs to date are indicating either A) if CUU will receive the results of the BFS from TT by the end of September or B) CUU will be releasing a public NR containing the results of the BFS by the end of September.

Elmer answered that the NRs have indicated that CUU was expecting to receive the completed results of the BFS from TT before the end of September. They WERE NOT indicating that a public NR would be released with the results of the BFS by that same timeframe. After receiving the results, there is a review process that includes retaining an independant team of contractors to review the BFS prior to releasing the results in an NR.

I was going to put the above answer in quotations, but I realize two days later that it's a paraphrase at best. The thrust of what he was saying is in there.

I did NOT ask him when he anticipated CUU to release a public NR containing the results of the BFS because I simply do not care anymore. I am in until the end. Elmer is top notch, and I believe my money is safely invested in two of the companies that he runs.

I also did NOT ask if they have already hired independant contractors who were already reviewing a completed BFS (ie... if cuu did in fact hit the stated timeline by already having received the completed BFS) because, again, I do not care. I am in until the end. Keep this in mind. My answers are NOT saying that no information will be publicly released in an NR anytime soon. For all I know, CUU might already have the independant contractors, and they may be closing in on the end of the review process. I DO NOT KNOW, and I do not care. I am in until the end (I know I've said this multiple times already). My preference is still to see something released by the end of September, but I am not concerned in any way if that is not what happens.

I did not take verbatim notes as I was more interested in having a conversation with him about my concerns. ALL of my concerns have been assuaged, and I remain convinced that Elmer's two organizations are the proper place for my money to be invested.

The conversation was a couple days ago, so I would like to stress again that there is some paraphrasing instead of quoting in this post. Quite frankly, I wasn't going to share my answers at all with this forum because this forum has become volatile and unfriendly to many posters. Having said that, I recognize that there are also many (many!) posters here who really do their best to post with honour and integrity. I've personally been on the receiving end of MUCH valuable information here, so I figured I was bound by that same code to share what little information I do have.

Please, please everyone relax. Elmer et al will do this the right way, and I think we should all go outside and play street hockey while he does his thing. I hear there may be some openings in the NHL if we all start honing our skills.

Enjoy your weekends! Thank you for listening.

Disclaimer: Do not make or unmake your investment decisions based on any words that I post anywhere in any forum. You should make your own decisions based on your own DD. Always assume factual errors or mistakes in my posts. If you don't believe something I post... verify it for yourself. This post is long. If there are typos or grammatical errors, it is because the day grows long, and I am tired.

Dona Nobis Pacem


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