Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: "One thing I don't understand" - here we go again......
Oct 15, 2012 01:55PM

The feedback I got sends me a different message. I wish I had something to confirm any single thing as a fact. But I gots nadda. The jobs angle can be covered by foriegn workers (I heard that it was a non-issue). The PP is still open so we have another 2 months max. Tax loss is going to hit us extra hard this year. One US account is going to sell 100k and that might be part of today. If more people do the same we could see a protracted sell off lasting 2 months. Canaccord is dumping. Anon is more than 1 person concealing their trades. I bet traders on this board are doing some of the anon. The global marco is going to amp up the sell off on the Jr markets for sure. Even cashed up guys will get beat hard. Tonight I'm telling my club to sell early too. There's already a concensus to hold off buying dividends until we see the dust settle. CUU could be headed to sub $1 over the next 3 weeks. I bet David and EE pig out. One thing is for sure, we'll be buying with a vengence when this is over.

I know many of you will critisize and say "selling in the face of the BFS". I'll tell you now that we don't believe it's coming anytime soon. There simply no incentive to sit tight when we have time to buy back should we choose to. Some of us have played this since 20 cents. We've paid for our years like that. Now the dog is very tired and lost it's bark. The company may be up to a big deal but they burnt the retail so bad that only the actual buy out will move the price. So even if they announce the BFS tomorrow nothing is going to happen. Tax loss selling will still increase no matter what. Tomorrow I'm going to trade more while there's volatility. If the price goes up anywhere near $1.20 I'll be selling for those few pennies. Don't blame us traders. We make volume and keep the stock relevent. The only time it sucks is when the 4 horsemen control the trades. Right now they are being swamped and they know it. Considering the winds I don't expect any news for another month. If we touck 90 cents you'll see huge volume.

Oct 16, 2012 01:39AM
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