Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: CUU management contact

"I called cuu yesterday and spoke to Mike. He just got back from Vancouver and I believe Elmer was still there. Both he and Elmer have been spending a lot of time there as he said all the work on the BFS is being quarterbacked from their Vancouver offices. Obviously, when I asked about the status of the BFS he wouldn't say anything other than they are really pleased with all the work and progresses made to date. Cheers."

good morning everyone. it's been months and months since i last posted but have continued to read and follow this board and HOLD and WAIT primarily. i have continued to accumulate with a few small stink bids getting filled here and there and still have not sold a single share of our cuu.

was in vancouver in early november to visit family and stayed at a hotel that backed onto both the teck and cuu office buildings. (they are right next door to each other)

on friday, decided to stop in on the cuu office to say hi and maybe get a feel for how things were going-especially maybe a clue to how our long awaited BFS was coming along. the doors were locked when i first stopped in around 10 am, so i left and went to have a coffee in the teck building in the hopes of seeing maybe someone from cuu with someone from teck having coffee together. no such luck or i would have reported earlier. went back 30 minutes later to the cuu office and the door was stilled locked. however after i knocked on the door again, a nice guy came and let me in. he was a subcontractor working with cuu on the environmental assessment and shared cuu's vancouver office space. at that time, no one else was there and the office was empty. supposedly just the environment staff was to be using the vancouver office. apparently, all other work was being carried out from the CALGARY office.

in regards to the above comments from buckaroo, even tho the BFS was expected in late summer, i definitely did NOT get the feel from my november visit that there was ANY kind of activity associated with getting our BFS out from there. there were no cuu people in the office. pretty strange, especially if one is rushing to complete the BFS/audits asap.

so from the above comments and all the posts that have been contributed, i'm led to speculate that the BFS and reviews have been completed for some time and that we have been in and continue to be in major negotiations with teck.

this waiting has felt like an extended marathon, but i and my card buddies will continue to HOLD and ACCUMULATE( some of our friends think that we are "sick puppies" to be doing so). however; we will continue " to follow the money " and if ernesto and david continue to hold and support the FOX, so will we.

glta longs


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