Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: tfsa contribution clarified from TD Waterhouse

Td Waterhouse has a toll free number at 1.800.465.5463 to reach a rep regarding tfsa transfer .. this line is open 24 hrs daily ... not sure if this toll free number works outside the US and Canada

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