Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Las Bambas Project

We need to stop going around in circles and venting the same stuff. You could examine a thousand other stocks and come up with similar scenarios.

I suggest you call Elmer and bounce this stuff off him. If you did that, I think you would have a different perception of him, of Copper Fox, and the way this is playing out.

That's my opinion based on my experience.

"Anyone else here ever invested in a penny stock that you were sure was going to be a 5 or 10 bagger but it keep dropping. Maybe you averaged down. In the end, it went belly up. It's happened to me."

And tens of thousands of other investors too ... and that includes me as well.

We all know the risks in the Venture exchange.

Thats why I'm sticking with Copper Fox.

They have the funds to see this through. I have the patience.

"Now, I don't believe for a second that will occur with Copper Fox."

Then why mention it in a public forum where your words have the potential to scare the hell out of people and depress the share price of a stock you hold? (i'm guessing)

"But there is no assurance from anyone that we'll ever see more than $2/share again. For those whose average sits above $2, are they really winning? What if the buyout doesn't come until late in 2015? There's no better investment to be found between now and then where investors could recoup some of their losses?"

What if?

There could be a thousand better investments, and if I knew any of them were a sure thing in the short term I'd consider a move, make a ton of money, then maybe come back.

But thats just impossible and pure guess work ... as you said ... no assurance in any stock ... including this one.

I added in the 60's after the dividend, in the 50's, and hope to buy in the 40's.

I purchased at all price ranges so i'm under water too. I don't have unlimited funds. But as we get lower i am considering selling other stocks (and have been) based on my own assessment of putting my money where it has the best chance of appreciation. (in my opinion)

I understand everyone's frustration. It's a normal human reaction but it won't change things and it can't be good for your health to let it eat at you every day.

We all have to decide on our own to stay or go based on our situations and our timelines, age, retirement needs, etc.

Given my situation, I'm staying for the reasons I state ... and yes I'm prepared to be patient until I feel like a winner.

That won't be if I bail now.

That's all I'm saying.

FYI; now retired, was hoping for a quicker end to this story, most of my money is tied in Copper Fox, have had disappointments along the way, not a happy investor right now, etc.

That said, for those of you who are considering an investment and are reading this forum, I suggest you do your research on this company and don't let the comments here be your deciding factor to invest or not to invest.

Call Elmer Stewart and speak to him before you make your buying decision.

Good luck to all CUU investors.

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