Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Las Bambas Project

Let's keep moving forward. The past is history and the future is yet to be told. We can suffer forever or we can move forward together.

We need to stop going around in circles and venting the same stuff... Then why mention it in a public forum where your words have the potential to scare the hell out of people and depress the share price of a stock you hold? (i'm guessing)

Turn the clock back a little over three years and I was reading with great interest all of the fantastic promotional material about CUU and Schaft Creek on the Stockhouse forum. I did my own DD as well, but the info from the message board really seemed to make sense about how undervalued the stock was. I dove in with both feet and rode that gravy train to great heights (I wish I had sold at those great heights, alas I did not).

Here we are in November 2013 and I'm only 9 cents from my original entry point of 39 cents. Un-freakin-believable!

I'm a more seasoned investor now. I've watched the events of the last three years play out with great interest. That said, I still have much to learn.

However, for any new, prospective investors who catch wind of CUU and want to kick the tires, I hope they come to to Agoracom forum and discover not only the accomplishments at Schaft Creek over the past several years, but also the failures -- perceived or otherwise.

I have no qualms about restating management's missteps. I won't make any promises that I have written about them in frustration for the last time. Some former forum members made the mistake of making libelous and defamatory statements while blowing off some steam, which was their mistake.

The idea of whitewashing the past, as Foxyroller is so keen to do, is completely foreign to me. I absolutely refuse to put on the pom-poms and cheer on Elmer as he leads us to the promised land. No thanks, I'll take the cold, hard facts, whether they are pleasant or not. Some speculation is welcome as well, but don't bother trying to make it all sound rosy cause reality doesn't play out that way.

And the notion that some negativity from this board has led to our existing plight just seems naive to me, Canadastockguy. Honestly, if this board was full of nothing but Foxyrollers, do you think that we'd be sitting at $1.50 right now?

I truly believe all negative sentiment from this board and any others combined accounts for probably a penny or two in the grand scheme of things. A price that I'm willing to pay for freedom of expression.


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