Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: SA Article
Mar 26, 2015 12:14PM
Mar 26, 2015 12:20PM
Mar 26, 2015 12:28PM
Mar 26, 2015 12:57PM
Mar 26, 2015 02:05PM
Mar 26, 2015 02:32PM
Mar 26, 2015 02:43PM
Mar 26, 2015 02:50PM
Mar 26, 2015 02:56PM
Mar 26, 2015 03:10PM
Mar 26, 2015 03:19PM
Mar 26, 2015 03:47PM
Mar 26, 2015 04:28PM


You do have that luxury. It's free to register. I used seekingalpha for investing ideas long before Copper Fox.

I'm not going to bother going through your math in detail.

We don't have exact amount of what the current cash balance is before tax refund. What the balance is now.

We don't know exactly how much G&A is going to be for this year. We don't know exactly how much VD, Carmax, and SB will cost this year. We don't have all the numbers to really figure out how many years we have to last through. My argument was merely to point out the content of the author on SA.



Another TRUTH detective who doesn't bother calling the office to find out what the PEA cost is but instead throws out random numbers saying it could be $2 million. Sibiu jumped in and said it was $750k. Do you feel corrected? Or do you want more proof?

Like I said before, go dig a little deeper and call the office to see if sibiu is right or if sibiu took the number from the article. I think dialing a phone number is easier than registering for a website.


You know I noticed the incorrect spelling of the word after I posted. No need to point it out. Never understood why this thing doesn't have spell check. That is great you used Seeking Alpha, not sure what that has to do with me not wanting to sign up to a site I don't like.

You do realize not knowing is what started this whole thing. You seemed to state it was a cool 3 years and you did know the things. But in reality we have no idea, that money could be gone before end of summer. We just know management feels it is enough for G&A and the work they want to do THIS year.

I know he jumped in and said 750k, it was even commented on. I already said I question if that was actually from the office as he said or just the article. Of course I know I can call the office and ask to find out for myself. Is it so wrong that I enjoy discussing the information with you guys as there are many people here who do know lots about certain subjects. Or people who have already called the office and have said information. The discussion is often what leads us to actually finding something out. Who is to say I haven't called by now anyway?Anyway feel free to not go through the math, it is the correct numbers from what we know though.

I made it very clear that I did not know the cost of PEA. I was literally asking for someone to chime in, as I said already I DID NOT read said article, therefore I did not see the 750k that is claimed in it. In honesty from your original message about the article it is a very safe assumption none of that information was in the article as you state you are talking about a couple of points the author didn't go into. Makes it sound like he didn't cover the cash we had and so on. Along with that, you go through all of that and just leave out the cost of VD, why not include that in there (yea, sure it is in the article, but now you are off the article talking about something)? Should I be picking up a phone and calling Elmer frantically to find this out? If I want to know that immediatly I guess, but there is a reason I come to this board.

If you feel we don't need someone questioning things that's cool. I could always go back to lurking. Like I was just questioning it at first, you could have easily posted the math you choose to show later on and then I would have noticed what I was missing and we would have sorted it out much quicker.

All in all what I wanted to see/hear came out eventually.

Mar 26, 2015 05:25PM
Mar 26, 2015 05:29PM
Mar 26, 2015 06:56PM
Mar 26, 2015 07:11PM
Mar 26, 2015 07:22PM
Mar 26, 2015 08:13PM
Mar 27, 2015 04:10AM
Mar 27, 2015 06:55AM
Mar 27, 2015 09:05AM
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