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CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)



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Message: TCRC

"Which explains why cuu office does not worry about deadlines or share prices as they will have no effect on sale price. Insiders own most of the shares, they really don't care what we think."


Agreed....to a point. If this "handshake" agreement is in fact real, then Teck, as operator, will find the new partner to go mining with. This is consistent with how they've developed other projects, and its been shown to be a good deal for them and a new partner more than once. So I can imagine Teck telling CUU, "No need for ROFO, we've got x, y, z partners as potential for SC, if you let us pick which one, we'll give you a good deal." So the question then becomes how far does CUU want to take the development of SC? Yes, CUU doesn't want to "leave anything on the table" but from Teck's side I can imagine they don't want "the table" to get too big, otherwise the price for a them and a new partner goes up. There has to be a limit on this somewhere. This is also consistent with a deal coming that's based on the vallue of SC and not what the SP is.

All of this is pure speculation on my part, and I have to admit, this kind of "hope" isn't exactly a great investment strategy. But I've been in since 2012, haven't sold a share and added at the lows during covid. CUU wants a payday here but because EE owns the company he doesn't care about advertising and is happy to play along with Teck keeping us on the DL and also using VERY conservative numbers for the PEA, etc. and other public presentations from CUU and Teck.

With the demand for copper ever increasing, when does this play get wrapped up? I had thought the PEA would be it, like many of us here. But since it didn't mark the end, at which point does EE et al., call it a day? I sure hope its with these latest drill/metallurgical results...but I'm quite uneasy with how the 2021 field campaign was truncated.





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