Welcome To The Cougar Minerals Corp HUB On AGORACOM

Cougar Minerals Corp. is an exploration company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of natural resource properties in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Message: Cougar Minerals samples 78.66 g/t Au at PFG/Bill

Well they are bordering the Ross River PLuton which is directly to the south. I know from personal knowledge that tourmailine is often a good sign. By the way, tourmaline is basically black and found as veins and salvages. You see although they have vg in narrow vein, the shear itself is relatively wide and contains anomalous gold values. Meaning gold is in fact in this corridor or shear or deformation zone etc etc. Many you find are barren of gold. Thye other has good gold values 13, 8g etc. THe NW area is of great interest to me due to the existing gold bearing veins there. They mention they did some trenching. THis is done to get down deeper to fresh unoxidized rock. Any other prospectors or geos on here fell free to add.

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