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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Jim Sinclair speaks to gold...Hugo Chavez & Oil,,,

Jim Sinclair speaks to gold...Hugo Chavez & Oil,,,

posted on Jan 05, 2008 02:22PM

...well consider this close enough for military work!

Dear CIGAs,

This article is a teaser and is off the mark on certain steps, but has gotten your attention.

In the coming few days I will outline why and how the price of gold will remain in the high range it attains on this bull market for many years thereafter.

Pay for Oil with Gold (Fictional)
Paolo Rigoni
January 5, 2008

Disclaimer: This is a fictional news story, published purely for your entertainment.

World financial markets were rocked today, following several announcements from a South American President. President Ugo Chuvit, of Ivantitalla, made 3 proclamations this morning.

1. Ivantitalla, the world's fifth largest exporter of oil, will no longer accept US dollars for payments of resource exports. Effective immediately, oil and other resources may only be paid for in physical gold or silver. The USA imports about 60% of Ivantitalla's daily exports of about 2 million barrels of oil per day. President Chuvit said "We will no longer accept the depreciating paper currencies of the USA and other countries for our oil resources. We export $200 US million worth of oil each day. If the USA wants our oil, they must pay us in gold or silver, at market rates. Payments of gold and silver must be delivered to us before our oil leaves our country. In order for the same amount of oil to keep flowing to the USA, they must deliver $120 million in gold or silver each day. If the USA can't pay for our oil, we have other customers who will be happy to take their place."

2. President Chuvit nationalized all gold, silver and other mines in his country this morning. Armed forces took control of 11 operating mines, all foreign owned. President Chuvit said "The gold, silver and minerals in the ground beneath our feet belongs to every man, woman and child of Ivantitalla. It is time to enrich our people with our resources, and not the greedy shareholders of other countries. Why should our people suffer and grow thin, while the foreigners take our precious resources away and grow fat? As of this morning, the mines are owned by our Central Bank. We will determine the present value of the mine's equipment and infrastructure, and compensate the foreign companies fairly. I would like to encourage all foreign staff currently working in our mines to continue working here. To show you our appreciation for your future efforts, we will pay you a monthly bonus of 25% of your wages tax free, in gold coins, which you may take out of the country if you wish."

3. President Chuvit declared the issuance of a new currency, the Bullivar, and a return to a gold standard for money. Effective immediately, all holders of Ivantialla's bank notes may go to a local bank, and exchange their current money for newly issued bank notes, which are fully redeemable for gold. You may exchange old bank notes for the new bank notes until the last day of this month. After that, the old bank notes are cancelled, worthless and non-redeemable for the new bank notes. The new bank notes drop 3 zeros from the old ones. For every 1,000 old Bullivars, you will receive 1 new Bullivar. You will still be able to use debit cards and credit cards for convenience. There is no need to convert your funds on deposit, as they have already been converted to the new currency.


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