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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Polotics, Market, Economy, POG and the PPS

Polotics, Market, Economy, POG and the PPS

posted on Jan 06, 2008 07:42PM

I haven't heard anything this weekend frome anyone in the political arena that will spur our economy short term, also not much from  Chavez on mining projects. Asia markets looking down this morning, (probably because of our employment report), along with the POG.

If this stock PPS continues to climb in this enviroment, I would have to assume something is up.

I was looking at the 3 day gold chart at Kitco:


Looks pretty wild, before I go to work I will look to see if it bounces or continues lower.

I missed the KRY deal @ $1.85 when I wanted to buy, but did not have funds. So where is the new (buy! Hondo, buy!) bottom going to be? Any ideas?

One other thing, I have another speculative stock in the drug manufacturing arena, ISV. It is an embarrassment for me to even mention it, but I thought it was strange to see the similarity of the chart comparing ISV and KRY preformance. 


These stocks have absolutely nothing in common, except for being speculative and both waiting for some big news. There might be some market forces at work here- other than the ones we are always talking about?

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