Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: I'll repeat an old but obvious question...

For Vz it's been a good deal. Share holder of KRY financed the building of a bunch of infrastructure. KRY also did a bunch of work to tell Vz what they actually had in the ground at LC.

In the future if they want to exploit it, the work's done.

I'm hoping that if Vz nationalizes all mines they will contract KRY to service them. That's one thing KRY does have going for it. It has partnered with Vz and has demonstrated goodwill.

KRY bought into the socal-economic development of the host community. For an evil capitalist company this must bode well. It's for THIS reason that I think KRY still has some value in Vz. Who knows, it may be embrased by other such South American governments.

Then again... I'm trying to think logically and apply that logic to Vz... this just might not apply :-(

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