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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Hecla will continue to operate in El Callao...

Hecla will continue to operate in El Callao...

posted on Jun 08, 2008 07:38AM
Hecla will continue to operate in El Callao
Sunday, June 08, 2008

After the Ministry of People's Power for Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam) had announced the termination of the concession which administers Hecla, the picture today is another. The company stays, said the owner of Mibam, Rodolfo Sanz, during his visit to Lima to meet the demands.

Miners and workers have been thrown into the streets to demand answers, now is continue to expect them. Picture William Urdaneta
Workers in El Callao Gold Mining Company, a subsidiary of Hecla, received on Friday the visit of the holder of the Ministry of People's Power for Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam), Rodolfo Sanz, who said establishing new rules for This transnational operating in the country, provided they adhere to the law and provisions to be imposed from now on.

According to several affected also the president of the CVG "came with all the irons to solve the problem, but can not take away a contract to Hecla well but that no longer work under rules and fulfilling certain things like stop undressing to workers , Which have always denied. "

So far there has arisen Mibam agreed that the legal terms that allow the operation of transnational U.S., while the mining company abide by the guidelines leave everything to the contrary begins the process of negotiating the mine-owned CVG Minerva in El Callao - Agapov with the Russian company, which has long wants to put his hand.

And the Russians?
Recent statements from a source at the Ministry of Mines left to see that disappear Gold Mining Company of Venezuela to give way to the Russians, they mean for the government of Hugo Chávez some strategic allies. Despite that something did fall on the authorities to only offer a "compass waiting" to lower the spirits of workers and look for exits without so many complications.

Sanz also transpired that promised to employees of Hecla assert their rights and end abuses that came to suffer at the exit of each turn when they played being stripped to verify that no part of the materials were stolen gold leaving the mine.

Another major points touched this week before the arrival of Rodolfo Sanz El Callao was an exhaustive review that the National Institute for Prevention, Health and Safety (INPSASEL) conducted the Isidora mine, finding serious irregularities and a high risk for those who play there. "The report says many things, among them that we are living miracle", he said an employee who did not want to be identified.

The employment situation in southern Bolivar state by gold producers is critical. That's because there have been so many atrocities against parents who work there, that the State has not found a way to begin to bring order once and for all, the benefit of the peoples who have lived in misery as El - Callao-despite having untold riches under its soil.
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