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Message: Government will pay compensation to miners Bolivar...

Government will pay compensation to miners Bolivar...

posted on Jun 10, 2008 01:16AM
Caracas, Tuesday June 10, 2008
Government will pay compensation to miners Bolivar

SAILU Urribarrí Núñez


Ciudad Bolivar .- Authorities of the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining BSF offered to pay 10 thousand by way of compensation to those who adhere to mining conversion programme proposed by the Government.

Alfredo Villanueva, La Paragua miner, explained that information about the payment was issued by Rodolfo Vilchez and Flavio Véliz, representatives of the MIB in Caracas, assuring that "the compensation shall be extended to 10 thousand 799 miners who have the ticket issued by the Ministry of Environment to accept adhere to the conversion unproductive mining. "

It is anticipated that claims will start next July 15.

Villanueva said that although the BSF have been adopted by 10 thousand miner, was handed a document demanding payment increased to 15 thousand BSF. "833 miners have signed a document which was handed over to deputies Oscar Figuera and Pastora Medina, who committed themselves to handing them over to President Chavez."

It also said that 288 were approved old-age pensions for those who dedicated their lives to mining and the remaining group may ask its board in an operation which will be held next week in Ciudad Bolivar.

For this week's visit is expected minister Rodolfo Sanz to the people of La Paragua, "although no precise date the minister undertook to give us answers about the 17 projects posed for La Paragua and other commitments that have not been honored," said Villanueva.

"We will await the minister because he has so far been the only one who has given us his face and see that they lean out some solutions for us that we believed in a restructuring that will meet on June 26 two years and failed fruits."
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