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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Helca workers if you can't trust your own government...

Helca workers if you can't trust your own government...

posted on Jun 23, 2008 04:06AM

El Callao Gold Mining employees do not wish to be "absorbed" into intermediary corporative structure CVG-Minerven

Employees at El Callao Gold Mining have sent a strong message to Venezuela Guayana Corporation (CVG) gold-mining subsidiary CVG-Minerven president Luis Herrera that they do not wish to be "absorbed" into an intermediary corporative structure such as CVG-Minerven.
  • The protest comes after Idaho-based Hecla Mining last week sold its interest in El Callao to the Russian Agapov Group's Russoro for a reported $25 million and against moved by the central govenrment to intervene Hecla.
Labor representative Sanders Guilarte told the local daily newspaper, Correo del Caroni that "none of the employees of Hecla want to work with CVG-Minerven" ... and that's despite what CVG-Minerven's labor director Jesus Guerra said that the Isidoro mine must be returned to, and administered by, the State.

Guilarte is quoted as saying "We totally disagree with this ... CVG-Minerven has given no guarantee to the workers, the situation only gets worse, and the welfare of many families that depend on it is being put at risk ... our social & welfare benefits are maintained and protected under the Hecla contract and the workers have had good earnings at Hecla ... but to become part of Mineven, NO! CVG-Minerven has the worst pay and they have serious problems with payments to a lot of people who work there."

Miners union negotiator Jesus Guerra has meanwhile called on workers to remain calm, and that "all problems will be resolved" but Guilarte says he should refrain from further interference since "Guerra is being manipulated by CVG-Minerven oresident Luis Herrera ... whatever Herrera says, Guerra does!"

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