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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: No money left in the coffers

No money left in the coffers

posted on Jul 03, 2008 06:00AM
Min. of Environ has no money...way to go Ortega you run a tight ship:)
Affected in Aragua state by the floodwaters of Lake Valencia will be put to new valuations

July 3, 2008 .-
Those affected by the floodwaters of Lake Valencia in the sectors of aragüeños Mata Redonda and La Punta, will undergo further assessments, as announced by the Minister of Environment, Yubirí Ortega.

Those who live in the south of Maracay noted that lead three years fighting for compensation. They assured that over 500 families at risk every time it rains.

The resources will be made by the National Government, as the office of Environment has no funds to cover the 200 million bolivars strengths that are needed to cover compensation
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