Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: News of Aug 7,8,9

Thanks GW I am too...

Teutracker you said "My only advice to those thinking of selling is to remove your sell order so as to remove shares from been taken out upon permit issuance. Averaging in sell orders in increments starting at USD 4.00 would make sense if you intend to sell."

You are correct on your analysis but what if the majority of investors think this is worth anywhere from $8-$12 or even more. What if 80% of the investors have their sell limits there instead of just playing the market and the permit day? If there are a substantial amount of orders to sell at prices much higher than $4 as you suggest this will go even higher...a lot of people are playing the permit pop but I really do not believe that is where you will get full value for KRY. Remember the big boys play the herd and the herd will be there on permit day...don't play the herd. Think about it, in just only 13 days we have been at .63 then to .90 and back down to .68 and now up again to .92 today on Amex. I guess if you are good you could have played but really who hits every low and every high in trading...not really many. Real investors will pick a price at what they think this is really worth and not move...$4 is much too low but for a momentum player or trader its a big gain....what will a major pay that has just been waiting for the permit?

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