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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: How about this scenario

How about this scenario

posted on Nov 15, 2008 09:29AM

There seems little doubt that things are coming to a head. We have had an avalanche of rumors, over the top news articles, quotes from mofficials that turn out to be not really an accurate quote, etc etc. . Through all of this, reporters in VZ are muffled, KRY management don't/can't say anything.

No, in my tiny bit of experience, when there are high up negotiations going on, between companies or between governments, NO ONE BUT NO ONE is allowed to say anything. Period. This situation in all likely hood involves negotiations between both companies and government. there have been some 'slip ups' from some company officials, and some government officials. I.E. Russian takeover, Rusoro takeover, nationization, KRY out. All this time, KRY says nothing, EXCEPT, that they haven't been told that their contract has been changed. That has been the only definitive remark from KRY.

Now, they know that the shareholders are going nuts through all this, and yet they don't say anything. Well, that's because there are high level talks going on. And I mean high level. The highest levelof talks. NEGOTIATIONS.

Maybe this is how it will play out. It is true, that the Russians will take over. We all know that Rusoro is not a Russian company, but has connections with high level Russians, in both the private sector and the Government. We also know that Rusoro has no money to speak of. We also know that it is highly unlikely that the Russian gov. is going to get directly involved. But, there is the biggest gold producer in Russia, Polyus, who does have the money, and who no doubtedly would like KRY's 16m? ounces.

We know that Rusoro is a new company, with not a lot of assets. We know they got their foothold in VZ with the helpof Chavez. So here is this new, small canadian company, established in VZ. Ties to Russia. Heres Polyus, deep pockets. Polyus makes deal with Rusoro to run LC, Polyus makes deal with KRY and VZ to buy out KRY. This is all put off until just before the elections so that Chavez gets timely boost at the polling booth. Chavez gets his 'Russian involvement' with Polyus having to step foot in VZ, Rusoro gets the rumored LC operation to run, and KRY gets a good price for being co-operative, some from Chavez and some from Polyus.

This is why the secrecy, this is why KRY could not say anything, which in turn made all of us go completely mad. This upcoming meeting seemed initially to give options to the company employees. If you look at the bottom of the Proxy form, that I completed online, it shows that number 4 point that they want us to agree to, is to vote for them to be able to use my vote for 'anything else that may come up in the course of the meeting'. Like say, voting on whether or not to accept an offer from Polyus?. Conveniently, this meeting was put off until 5 days before the election. Great timing for having maximum affect for Chavez at election time. 'I got LC back from KRY'!!

To me, this would make sense of all that has happened over the last couple months, and may very well have been in the works for longer than that.

Kry management would not keep this quiet with the shareholder yelling and screaming for news releases, if not for something VERY BIG going down.

IMO..........$6-$10 ??

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