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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Happy New Year everyone

Watercraft, Pam, Oldfool...Yeh that was 267,000. Over four years, 2 realestate sales, one inheritance, and faith. It's supposed to get me too retirement and beyond. I have always been self employed, so don't have a company pension, and never put much into my Canada Pension plan. Soooo,....it's up to me and KRY to look after me in my older age. Glad to see you, Oldfool, with a better average than me. Way to go!! And Pam, ...I DO BELIEVE!!!, and YES WE CAN, and all the other cliches, and my Sis will be coming to the BIG PARTY in Tahiti. Lets set it up for say, March, or maybe we'll have to wait until next year at this time.

I hope everyone is and had a great NEW YEARS EVE. I was in a yearly event here on our small island. A lantern festival, with public parade from the firehall, to an area infront of our community hall. Then there was a show with a Native/Orca theme, dancers in flowing costumes, a huge 15ft. Orca 'lantern', and surrounded by torch bearers ( me ), kids and family with lanterns, and then many many sparklers handed out to the crowd. Lots of volunteer days goes into it. Great nite.

Somewhat cold, so came home after and had a (2 ?) hot rums. MMMMMM.

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR !! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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