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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: from the horses mouth...something is very wrong..

from the horses mouth...something is very wrong..

posted on Jan 16, 2009 08:04AM

hugo-"In 2008 we created the joint venture Venrus with Russia, a Russian company and a Venezuelan company, an joint venture for the Las Cristinas fields," Chavez said during a televised address to Congress."

guys, this has been really bugging me...this whole venrus thing seemed to come up during the "venrus" russian naval excercise...the meetings with the russians, the talk about joint mining, joint oil/gas, etc, etc....

is it possible that hugo does'nt realize rusoro is canadian? am i missing something? rusoro might be partially owned by russians but they are damn sure some very very capitalist russians...

there was also a lot of talk about taxes and how profits from these joint ventures would be used and split between VEN/RUSSIA.....unless i'm wayy off base here i dont see where "RUSSIA" (the country) could ever see a dime from this....maybe since canada wont take a look into this situation with rusoro then russia should.....why are russian diplomats selling/forming joint ventures between CAN/VEN???


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