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Message: 18km of venz say no to referendum...

18km of venz say no to referendum...

posted on Feb 08, 2009 05:30AM
With the slogan “it is not opposition did not march” it yesterday
Sunday, 08 of February of 2009

The leaders Manuel Rosales, Ricardo Sanchez, Antonio Ledezma, Henrique Capriles Radonsk, Juan Andres Mejías, David Smolansky and Leopoldo Lopez, reiterated the importance of leaving to vote by NO

Tens of thousands of people marched yesterday in Caracas against the approval of the amendment, with which it looks for to eliminate the limits the re-election. The demonstrators crossed the avenues Francisco de Miranda, Francisco Solano and Libertador, with the slogans “Dile to that amendment” and “is not”. The graphical one shows an aspect of the march
The leader of Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), Manuel Rosales, assured that in the elections of the next Sunday 15, he will be gambling the future of Venezuela. “Today Caracas and Venezuela are saying to him to the world which is the gas that we are going to give the 15 to him of February to the reform”, it affirmed in response to the declarations of president Hugo Chavez on use of the gas against the manifestations of students. Rosales emphasized that the citizens already said to him Not to the re-election proposal, including in the project of constitutional reform rejected the 2 of December of 2007. “That reform, that already was rejected by the town, is a ridicule to the town to try its approval again, but it is going to them to leave the shot by the butt because the 15 Caracas and Venezuela we will say to him Not”, it emphasized.

“The reform does not entail only the problem of the presidential re-election, that reform hides in addition, since own president Chávez has said to it, the beginning than would be a country with a castrocomunista system”, noticed the mayor of Maracaibo.

“Behind that reform the elimination comes from the deprived property, thus it is that the one that has a bicycle, any property that leaves to defend it because here we are not playing the future of the boys and the girls”, expressed.

President reflects

Antonio Ledezma, indicated that “the words are not enough, are necessary the facts, I invite President to that it orders that, as of this moment, it is without effect his order to throw gas to him of the good one to the students of Venezuela”.

Also, it called to the national agent chief executive to release to the political prisoners.

“I request President to Him who you allow the freedom of the imprisoned students in Maracay, which the political prisoners leave the Disip and Green Branch, who return to Venezuela the exiled ones”, he insisted.

Ledezma also sent a message to them to the members of the National Armed Forces (FAN).

“To the military who know that here there is no a simple confrontation of political positions, it is of a side the democratic society here that defends our Constitution, we did not ask to him that they take short cuts, we did not request blows, we only want to him that the blows to the Constitution are prevented”, asserted.

The force of the vote

The president of the FCU of the University Simon Bolivar, Juan Andres Mejías, said that the Venezuelan town and the young people have the weapon most important to gain referendo, the force and the will to leave to vote the 15.

Perhaps perhaps “we did not count on gando them of Pdvsa to campaign, we did not count on the ministries public to place placards, we did not prune to use the Meter of Caracas to put the campaign of Not and perhaps either we did not prune to have a national chain to say what we want, where we want but we have something more valuable something than nobody can buy to us, we have in our hands the force of the vote that is secret, that we will deposit and that we will do whichever times is necessary”, Mejías said.

It made a call to the undecided people vote and believe better in a country with a future. “To all the undecided ones, to those who think that a better country is a country of dreams, to those who think that a country thus is idealismo, we must say one to him and thousand times that a right country for all the Venezuelans is possible”.

Yes to rotation

The governor of the state Vantage point, Henrique Capriles, also went to the nourished group of people who participated in the march of Not and, in particular, to the Chief of State.

“We hoped President that what is happening today with mayors that we did not militate in its party and which today we are being sabotaged, we we hoped that if it loses Yes, as we know that it is going to happen, that like good democrat who claims to be, respects the result and respects the will of the town, we hoped that it removes to Venezuela advanced and that it governs”, it asserted.

The leader of Primero Justicia (PJ) invited the President to work to solve the problems of the country.

“Politiquería is already enough of so much, so, we follow ahead. Here in Venezuela there are very good peloteros, is people who know to send to the tail e´ dirty better than you. I am the youngest governor of Venezuela and am certainly anyone of the people who are here will be the next governor of Vantage point and that anyone of the people who are here will be the next president”, she maintained.

It jeopardize with the future

David Smolansky, student representative of the UCAB, assured that to say to the indefinite re-election it is not a whim but “a commitment with the future of the young people who want to contribute new ideas to the policy of the country”.

“The young people we are saying that Not by a commitment with the future, of progress, by the development, the transformations. 60% of this country are young people and them a ceiling, a cork to the young people cannot be placed who we want to refresh the spaces, to contribute new ideas, new projects in all the possible fields, the policy, the education, the social thing”, expressed Smolansky.

It said that the country is divided in two sides and the students have called to the reconciliation and to the union to construct together a future with progress and to give back the paradise where there are always the Venezuelans have lived on coexistence. It presses UNT/AD/PJ

River of people against the re-election

Leopoldo Lopez, leader of the party Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), said that the river of people that is in the march against the indefinite re-election “has destiny we are going and it to channel with votes the 15 of February”.

It made a recognition and a call to the coordinators and witnesses who are going to be in the voting centers, “to all you, women and men, are prepared so that the 15 defend the popular will, with force, with spirit we leave to vote and to defend the Constitution”.

He indicated that he has been the campaign more unequal than has been made ten years in the last, “a campaign that on the one hand is the complete State with the financial resources and all the powers in the hands accomplices to want to do violence to the Constitution and across it is the town of Venezuela which they are in the street of the Republic with force with spirits”.

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