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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: This is for you Gramps...

"Remember that JP Morgan had to get Jesse Livermore to agree to stop raiding stocks, commodities and currencies short before Morgan could rescue the US banking system from a credit lock up"

wow! i guess thats one way to look at it.....personally, i look at it like jpmorgan exerted incredible pressure on the US govt in a time of desperation and was able to lock in it's power position for almost a century now....

JPmorgan, citi, and BofA ARE the US banking system now..... they call it the central bank.....so why are'nt they lending money? these banks charge the fed/treasury interest on the money thats issued (i still dont get that, should'nt it be the other way around?)....

citigroup is buying highways in spain with tarp cash...

B of A just handed out over 1.5bil in bonuses....after charging the US gov $35mil in fees just to recieve the bailout money....

JPmorgan....who knows what the hell JP is doing?...

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