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Message: Venezuela registered the highest rate of misery between 60 countries

Venezuela registered the highest rate of misery between 60 countries

posted on Feb 24, 2009 01:47AM

Venezuela registered the highest rate of misery between 60 countries

The high inflation has caused that the economic measures are less effective

The poverty measured by income affected to 26% of the Venezuelan homes in 2008 (File)

Venezuela did not obtain advances in the implementation of measures that allowed an effective economic policy. In agreement with the measurement realised by Bloomberg agency, Venezuela arrived at the last place in a count between 60 countries worldwide, with a percentage of 36.8% of rate of misery.

The indicator, created by the American economist Arthur Okun, is the result of the sum of the rate of inflation and the one of unemployment of each country that, according to the expert, demonstrated if a nation developed disastrous economic policies or, on the contrary, right.

Venezuela, that registered to the closing of the past year a leisure superior to 6% and one inflation near 31%, shares last the five steps of the report with countries like South Africa, the Ukraine, Egypt and Iceland.

Although the percentage of unemployed has been reduced consequently in the country, it does not happen equal with the index of prices to the consumer. This causes, based on the definition of the rate created by Okun, that other important factors like the economic growth, for example, do not permean towards the social layers if in the way a high inflation or a high degree of leisure stays.

In agreement with the data provided by Bloomberg, that is in charge to realise the analysis every year, the country backed down a position with respect to the previous period, when it had registered a 30.3% index that it placed to Venezuela in the penultimate place of the list.

Between the Latin American nations, Mexico has the best conditions, with a rate of 10.6% misery, followed of Brazil and Chile, with 12.54% and 13.8%, respectively.

They follow nations to him like Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia and, finally, Venezuela.

Rate of inflation, within the framework of economy put under controls of change and of prices, not has been able to be controlled by Executive, whereas unemployment already reached the point in which it will be difficult to reduce it more, according to have recognized civil servants in the past.

Although the national Government describes as a success his fight against the poverty, in the course of the past year the first signals arose that indicate the erosion that generates in the wage income the high inflation that undergoes the country.

Analysts like the sociologist Luis Pedro Spain, of the UCAB, have indicated that the advance of the prices is a factor of risk in the fight against the social exclusion.

In Venezuela the rate of the poverty measured by income closed in 26% in 2008, according to reported the National Institute of Estadística (INE).

In other aspects, the Organization for the Industrial Development of the UN indicated in a report that richest the poorest countries need aid operating the manufactures, instead of the natural resources or agriculture, if they want to go out the poverty.

The agency of the Reuters news reported that the being of the UN indicated that the poor countries must make more and have better accesses to the markets to expand their economies.

Kandeh Yumkella, director of the organization, said that a failure in helping to near 1,000 million of poorest of 60 countries that live less than with a dollar per day could generate a migration massive and increase the insecurity world-wide.

The civil servant added that the financial crisis does not have to be used as excuses to drive protectionistic measures that could damage to poorest.

The manufacturing exports represented 81% of the registered world-wide shipments in 2005, indicated the civil servant. While the raw materials can give a source of easy money, the poor countries with great natural resources often see fall the industrial production during a height of the raw materials.

The discoveries of gold or petroleum can absorb manpower, elevating the price of the goods and moving away to the economy of the exports, it notices the report.

Suhelis Tejero Puntes

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