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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: The country is of knees....

The country is of knees....

posted on Mar 16, 2009 02:52AM
The country is of knees
Monday, 16 of March of 2009

According to the ex- president of Fedecámara, Vicente Brito “the country became end-employee of the oil entrance and the government always considered the increase of the price of the barrel like normal, official spokesmen anticipated his increase until more than $200”.

“Today Venezuela will have $60 billions of less entrance by compared petroleum sale the 2009 with the 2008. The analysts provide the average with the Venezuelan basket below the $50 for this year. The reserve of the central bank reaches after about 6 months of imports and the petroleum sale of January and February 2009 was of a $5mil million”, limited.

In such sense also the president of the Network by the defense to the Work, the Property and the Constitution indicated “when we analyzed the external debt publishes so much of Pdvsa as the Republic this over $60 billions. The internal debt but labor liabilities, contractors and pending payments to suppliers of goods and services are considered in a Bs.100 billions which complica but the fiscal panorama of the country”.

For Brito, the government does not have external nor internal alternative of new financings and “if we had saved half of extraordinary the oil income were at least $100 billions. The government change the law of this bottom and the savings I publish additional to it reserves of the Central bank we do not know them nor where they are”.

This today assured “Venezuela knee economically by gravísimas mistakes of our governors. The oil investments that we needed urgent not obtain and the estadales companies of the countries with which we were associated when dismissing the oil transnational companies do not have those resources”. (Intopress)

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