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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Miners should be organized into cooperatives...

Miners should be organized into cooperatives...

posted on Mar 25, 2009 03:09AM

Miners should be organized into cooperatives
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It calls on the authorities to take action against the high level of contamination that presents the area

Isidro Casanova

.- Given the huge number of miners and others who continue to reach the two bullae Leaf Lata, on the road to the island of Anacoco, Central Minera del Sur began efforts to organize the miners into cooperatives, with the object that are themselves who guide the system and begin working to correct damage and pollutants that are growing equally threatening the health of the people who work there.

As we have been reporting, in the vicinity of the plots allocated to the cooperative Leaf Lata, "burst" two bullae gold discovery of gold deposits, which attracted thousands of people initially, but as miners commented on the Significant quantities of gold were obtained, causing the attention of many more miners, who arrived from all over the state of BolĂ­var and the rest of the country, including some foreigners, the people now starting to form, has more than 6 thousand people.

An important part of this number of people, are the miners, who dig holes for extracting gold and other material is made up of traders, cooks, vendors, staff and even the curious who come to see how gold is extracted and is motion.

Disclosure outside the huge amounts of gold are "grabbing" miners, increases when the material being processed in the mills, El Callao, El Dorado and San Isidro Parish.

In the mills, which brings the gold extracted from the processed material, there are many people working and noting that there appear to be of the comments and know who are enthusiastic and will be the two bullae.

It is even said that some miners, to begin receiving money from the sale of gold, meet in public places to celebrate and talk about, thus the quantities of gold that are laying the two bullae Leaf Lata.

We rely on Article 70 of the Mines Act

Thelma Fajardo, vice president of the Central-South Miners Cumis-after surveys of Tin Sheet, said that there is a high level of contamination and disorder in the development of local commerce and housing. Considered it necessary in the organization of village cooperatives so that they, in turn, assume the leadership of the movement and prevent disorder.

Fajardo spoke about the benefits of Article 70 of the Mines Act, stating that it is perfectly applicable in the Bull Sheet Lata.

Here's what's most important article: "People who engage in activities subject to the small-scale mining, have priority in obtaining authorization to operate in areas where they are putting these products ..."

In this regard, Fajardo interprets the miners are in the two bullae, but must stay organized, beginning to develop health systems for their own needs.

He added that crews have already been submitted to Malariology spraying against malaria, controlling the progress of malaria and can be solved some problems.

It is recalled that the spaces where the bullae have traditionally been described as "endemic areas."

Mission Piar assessment begins

The high concentration of miners and traders in the bullae has attracted the attention of some authorities.

Initially, the mayor of Carmen Chancellor highlighted the rise in the mobile clinic for medical staff and paramedics respond to emergencies that may arise and Mission Piar Foundation, along with technical Mibam, advanced a comprehensive assessment regarding the exact amount of concentrated there, and their main problems and other details to make an organizer program.

In conversations with officials of the Mission Piar, said that the first thing that is recommended in these cases is that the miners organize into cooperatives and others. They are organized to facilitate the care services.

The eviction is not raised

Officials consulted expressed that now is not raised by the eviction of miners Leaf Lata. We consulted our informants about some comments on people and companies who say they are having lots of official land where the miners, which they rejected.

Until now, nobody has submitted supporting their rights. Miners are going to be there, only to be organized.


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