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Message: Workers of Alcasa remained without food

Workers of Alcasa remained without food

posted on Apr 04, 2009 03:30AM
Workers of Alcasa remained without food
Saturday, 04 of April of 2009

Kristy Spitschka
[email protected] This direction of electronic mail is protected against robots of Spam, needs to have activated Javascript to be able to see it

The bad news do not stop in the companies of aluminum
To few days of the break of Easter, the workers of companies had the charge of by the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana and, especially those of aluminum, will have a diversity of subjects for the reflection.

Until the morning of this Friday, in CVG Alcasa the service of dining rooms followed suspended every time the company contractor - Friosa- decided to retire of the facilities being alleged “a high” dilatoriness of the state company.

The versions multiply and each sector makes emphasis in its positions. The Secretary General of the Union of Workers of Alcasa (Sintralcasa), Jose Gil, reiterated the critics towards the hiring of a unique group of provision of meals for the four dining rooms.

“This situation which generates is more confliction and demonstrates the intention of the company to blame to the union leadership of the situation as if we administered the service of dining rooms”, he indicated Gil.

He invited the employees “to resist” the maneuvers of the company whose managers - he assures look for to colapsar labor La Paz.

He asked to the administration of CVG Alcasa to be responsible for the vehicle insurance, in view of which the employees cancel a 80 percent.

On the other hand, Dennis Sucre, of the Socialist Front of Alcasa indicated that the prevention delegates are united to demand a service of quality, and questioned that the company extends the debt of 8 millardos of bolivars.

The paralyzation of the service of dining room represents a risk for the employees of Alcasa who expose themselves to high temperatures and a continuous day of work, said.

Sucre assures that of not correcting this situation, the labor accidents would be at your service of the day. Nowadays the workers take their food from their homes or leave to eat.

“There is potable water nor no hygienic paper Either, this gives desire to cry”. Under these conditions of nourishing and lacking insecurity of conditions of industrial hygiene, the alcasianos would not have to toil, but the opposite would be still more catastrophic.

They paid in Bauxilum
Four days of anguish lived the workers in CVG Bauxilum that in time did not deposit the second fortnight of March. The payment took place in some Thursday in afternoon and for the majority yesterday in the morning.

The president of the Union of Professional Workers of Bauxilum (Suprobaux), Antonio Rivas, indicated that according to the collective hiring of work the payment must be realised two days before the last one and fifteen of every month.

Nevertheless, the bad news do not stop in the calcined alumina processor. Rivas became echo of an internal official notice of CVG Bauxilum that emphasizes another problem moratorio, this time with the services of health because the state one has not been bought up to date with the invoices.

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