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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America


re positive or not

posted on Apr 11, 2009 10:01PM


..................................... Being positive doesn't mean being being stupid and buying more when you surely shouldn't have. You obviously don't feel very good about yourself, and now you're beating yourself up ( and us ) about buying more....you could have been positive without buying more. You made that decision.......nobody else. So stop lecturing everyone. Feel shitty about all this if you want, but none of us can change anything or affect the outcome....what we can do is decide to be ok with things, or even positive, accepting where we are and that we each made our own decisions. I'd rather be happy, accept what's happening, than be pessimistic and down about it all.

You must have been in the high school debating class. You seem to go on and on just to hear yourself, flagging a dead horse....your dead horse.

Most of the rest of us would rather not labour the matter. I don't think that there are too many of us that need to hear over and over and over and over again that this has been a trial, and to be told that we were all dupes. We knew that this was speculative, but you're acting like you were a real sucker, and now are making all of us suffer for it. I myself am going to block your posts. Your just too negative and full of yourself.

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