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Message: Union and unemployed leaders of Cheeping request the activation of paralyzed pro

Union and unemployed leaders of Cheeping request the activation of paralyzed pro

posted on May 02, 2009 05:25AM

did'nt know if this was already posted....same old BS..."where's da toasted cheese mang"..

Union and unemployed leaders of Cheeping request the activation of paralyzed projects

* The authorities and workers of the Mayorship of also Cheeping marched to endorse the contribution and the vindications that the revolutionary process is making that leads president Hugo Chavez

William Perez. -
Upata. - Union and unemployed Leaders of the municipality To cheep marched by the main streets of this city, to commemorate the Day the International of the Worker. During the route they shouted slogans soliciing to the governmental authorities to activate the numerous projects that are paralyzed, as a form abrir sources of uses.
The leaders who represent the different unions from the construction which they make life in Cheeping, such as, Luis “Memín” Muñoz, Alfredo Martinez, Rafael Rodriguez, Jose Marabay, among others, they headed the march of the working mass, which he started off from the Humbolt avenue, he crossed the streets Charity, Go Pragg, Ayacucho and Sucre to arrive at the place Bolivar.
Luis “Memín” Muñoz, Secretary General of Sutic - Bolivar, sectional To cheep, showed that the activity and the date are propitious to demand to immediate the governmental authorities the activation of works paralyzed in this locality, abrir sources of uses and to diminish the high index of unemployment that is suffering.
He assured that as of this moment, the union leadership will not accept more promises, they would not pierce adorned words, they are going nor them to continue vacillating the representatives of the governmental organisms. “From today we are going away to maintain in the street demanding opportunities of uses to take to the daily sustenance our homes. We want facts, we do not want more words”.
For “Memín” Muñoz in the Day the International of the Worker there is nothing no to celebrate, are in the street to ask that the sources of uses are abran. They want that the authorities are put to work based on obtaining opportunities of work for the unemployed ones. “I want to make that the leadership of Sutic clear - Bolivar does not have commitments with anybody, our unique commitment is with our affiliates and the unemployed ones”.
The authorities and the workers of the Mayorship of also Cheeping marched this 1ro. of May. The pro-government activity started from the Anniversary place to culminate in the place Bolivar. The event was headed by mayor Gustavo Muñiz, the members of the Municipal Council of Cheeping and the representatives of the union of the city council of Upata.
During the activity the authorities of Cheeping wanted to endorse the social contributions and vindications that come contributing to the National Government for the working-class from Venezuela. “To moments of crisis, when to the USA they dismiss eight million people, like other countries, we in Venezuela, give an increase him of the wage to the workers”, mayor Gustavo Muñiz said.
Both marches concentrated in the place Bolivar, where the executive and legislative authorities, as well as the different unions from the construction placed floral offerings before the statue of the Liberator Simon Bolivar.

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