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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: the sorry state of ven mining. a monkey could run it better

the sorry state of ven mining. a monkey could run it better

posted on May 02, 2009 05:31AM

Saturday, 02 of May of 2009

  • To shots they killed miner and they hurt to another one

A Dominican miner of approximately 40 years, without he has been identified, was dead of a shot concerning the left occipital, fact happened in a way of the racket Tin Leaf, according to gave to account police authorities. According to the version that occurred, the man fell dead in the route around where numerous miners circulate. One said that the miners saw the dead but they did not stop to him, because the gold was more important to them than they looked for or they negotiated, if not even to give account to the authorities. To the 24 hours of which the corpse remained exposed outdoors, a gospeller that walked inviting to the oration, went the one who gave to warning to the authorities and a commission of the Cicpc, went to the law rise and the corpse, that began to be disturbed, was taken morgue of San Felix.

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