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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Stop talking and start walking

nobear, personally all i'd need is a couple of items addressed to "put me at ease"....maybe some of these things have been addressed (it's easy to forget with this stock) so anyone correct me if i'm wrong.

the perfect p/r in my opinion would contain the following:

1. "we have contingency plans for financing arbitration should the need arise"

i would love to see this one in writing! the noteholders are coming due for payment one way or another soon and i'm real curious to see that they have some sort of plan...

2. "if the need arises, our legal counsel advises that we have an excellent case for international arbitration"

grz did exactly this, i hav'nt heard anything about what the lawyers think about the strength of our case from kry. only that it is an option...

3. "we are currently working on a resolution with (government/non-government) entities"

i want to know if we are pinning our hopes to what some "senior govt official" might be promising, or a real person....like a GG exec...

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