Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Midas, RM response

Midas, RM response

posted on Nov 13, 2009 12:40PM

Mr. Marshall,

Can you please clear up a couple of questions for me?

1. Is arbitration still a financially viable alternative for Crystallex?

2. If arbitration is filed does this void the MOC for us or any future buyer in the event we continue negotiations with VZ?

Thank you for your input.

In November of 2008 Crystallex notified Venezuela of a Dispute regarding the Permitting of Las Cristinas (see Nov 28, 2008 news release). Crystallex believes it would have a solid claim for compensation and damages under the Canada/Venezuela FIPA at ICSID – and this remains a viable option. However, at this time, Crystallex is pursuing a resolution/solution to the Dispute.

I cannot speculate on potential actions taken by Venezuela on the MOC should a filing at ICSID occur. Should a ICSID claim be filed, the Company will press release the event.

Crystallex is in possession and control of the Las Cristinas Project as outlined in the MOC. Earlier this year, Venezuelan Government, through the CVG - their appointed custodian of the Las Critinas concessions - confirmed the standing of the MOC and Crystallex’s compliance therein. Additionally, the Government expressed a desire to resolve the matter without an ICSID case.


Richard Marshall

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