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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Here is another of my many theory on 40 mil buy

I see your point...KRI does sound the same as KRY.

Nonetheless, I doubt anyone making a order this large would not do a double and triple check to ensure all the instructions are 100% alright. And going through a broker, he would read back the order for confirmation saying the entire name of the company...and Khan does not sound like Crystallex.

Probable? Sure.

Plausible? Very unlikely.

Big deals are not just done with a single pair of eyes.

They're thoughly re-checked to ensure at least there are no 'typos'. Hell, it's risky enough just on the deal. And while nothing is impossible, I would rate the chance of a "instruction-related" screw-up on par with the Pope converting to Islam.

Ianvestor65 seems to a have made the best commentaries on what may have happened. But the bottom line is we just don't know.

I would look much more to investor skittness given the Dubai worries -- and media "canary in a coal mine" positing -- as a factor allowing for some get out of their positions after the recent runup.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know there's a boadload of investor fatigue with KRY and Hugo/Ven and we'll most probably see substantial selling on any good news...including a permit issurance...should that ever happen!

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