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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: cookooier by the minute. lookout hugo they are all around you!
One man's kook is another man's hero. Uh oh....I think I'm gonna get sick
Viva La Chavez!
agitcam (2 hours ago) Show Hide
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Bravo Hugo!
NWKBricks1 (3 hours ago) Show Hide
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Very well put, Mr. President.
anotherising (3 hours ago) Show Hide
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Good speech, butter on the bread
Remember presidents don't rule the world, they entertain and takes all the blame, well not all but mostly
featherian (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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i know he might not be perfect but beleive me ,he has great fundamentable bases.
he has balls to say truth.
this speech is 1000 times better then obama crap
featherian (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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awesome !! chavez hahaha  i love you.
oh man lol what a great arrival hahahahaha
that was great .
shellius (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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I would like Chavez to be the U.S. president just for six months to see what would happen. It would be very interesting. More often than not he's right about things.
cityshots (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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thanks for presenting his speech, equality of nations is the issue and to ignore is a mistake......that little secret door.....
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