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Message: just in time for elections! National Police will not be repressive

just in time for elections! National Police will not be repressive

posted on Dec 19, 2009 06:15AM

The Aissami promises that National Police will not be repressive

Minister of Interior assures that GNP will not be for satisfying to the bourgeoisie

The civil servants of the National Police will tomorrow initiate their activities Sunday with patrolling in several zones of Catia (Courtesy)

The National Police Bolivariana (GNP) will be born formally tomorrow, in the Sucre parish (Catia) of the Liberating municipality.

Teresa Carreño, the first group of 953 civil servants of GNP was administered an oath yesterday in an act in the Theater. To the ceremony minister of Inner Relations and Justicia Tarek went the Aissami; the defender of the Gabriela Town Ramirez; the minister for Navarrese the Héctor Education, as well as the female leader of Government of the Capital District Jacqueline Faría.

According to the Aissami “this new police is not going to be to repress the town, is not going to be a police to protect interests of the bourgeoisie or of the oligarchy, this police is going to be subordinate to the interests of the most needed poor men and of in the communities”

During the graduation act, the minister exhorted to the members of the first component of GNP “to commit itself to fight by social La Paz, the coexistence, the calmness, and the harmonious development of the communities”

The Aissami aspires to that the new police body serves as “point of the spear for the transformation of the new man and the new woman”

It insisted that the National Police has a protagónico roll in the execution of public policies in the matter of citizen security and reiterated that the action of the civil servants will be subject “to the popular scrutiny”

In order to facilitate the work of GNP, the minister it exhorted to the rest of the powers of the State to that they accompany the institution. “We are an instance of social control and valued the effort that has made the Ministry and the Supreme Court Public of Justice”, it assured.

It remembered that next to the birth of GNP, the public Ministry it created a municipal Office of the public prosecutor in Catia and the TSJ also constituted instances of control and execution in that locality.

“We go towards the structural transformation of the Venezuelan system of penal justice. We are establishing the bases not only of the Venezuelan police model, but of the radical transformation of the Venezuelan system of penal justice”, it concluded.

Previous to the act of juramentación of the police cash, Soraya Lascar, executive secretary of the National Council of Police, it explained that in the month of January beginning will occur to the tests and the process of selection of aspirings to the National Police and for half-full of February will take the second police training phase for the new recruits.

Also the director of GNP, Luis was administered an oath yesterday Fernandez.
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