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Message: a commentary in el universal "a week without chavez"

a commentary in el universal "a week without chavez"

posted on Dec 23, 2009 07:06AM

Orlando Jose Red Bruzual // One week without Hugo Chavez

One of the films that I have liked much in these last times is that one call “a day without Mexican”. This film directed by Sergio Arau which presents/displays to us is a hypothetical disappearance of all the Mexican and Latin that lives in California, affecting of this form to the rest of the population that practically depends on the work of these immigrants to survive.

After seeing the film I put myself again to think and to make some reflections of how serious the country if the President and his collaborators disappeared at least by a semanita.

Between the things that I arrive myself at the mind then went the one to see glad people and it contents by the absence of the President and his talibanes. Secondly, our country could enter the Mercosur definitively since the Congress from Paraguay to the knowledge that Red rojito went away, would sign the entrance that as much the country needs. We would return to have peace and tranquillity with our brothers of Colombia. Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua would finish the dollars to them given by the Government since the new one in charge of the presidency would close the doors of the DAWN. Finally, we would again abriríamos our international relations with our old woman allies that repeatedly have been attacked by the speech of the president.

As far as the population, the Venezuelan would go out of the capital and he would feel more surely more trusting and since Lina Rum and its patoteros would not be more in the streets to threaten to the Church nor the television channels. The Venezuelan would return to eat chicken, meat, round maize loaves, fruits without having to give to returns and returns to obtain products. The town now yes could see its program or favorite novel without interruptions and having to listen to “Alo President” since it could delight with his old woman favourite programs. The investors and capitals would arrive again at the country. Our army would return to be that one institution wanted by the town. There would be light, water and we would not have to hold so many cuts. Mayors and governors could go out and make their workings without no of the followers of the President sabotages its functions.

In short, this more than a reality is only a dream. California and Venezuela are two different worlds. While first they need the Mexican workers, in Venezuela we needed neither to Hugo Chavez nor to his talibanes. While in California the Latins produce and help the local economy, in Venezuela many chavistas take advantage to make easy wealth without producing neither to work, making worse the economic situation of the Venezuelan every day the more and turning into chaos to the country as a day without Mexican happened in California in the film “”.

[email protected]

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