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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Political Landscape- el Universal

Boy I which I could provide this link because everyone here on the board is saying the same thing. This is an intrview published today of a Venezualan Hugo- critic, Pompeyo Marquez, an 87 year old political leader. The Headline of the article is "HUGO CHAVEZ IS DEAD-SCARED OF ELECTIONS FOR LEGISLATURE." Sparks are sure to fly in multiple directions in the comming months. This is a 5 star article.

If Hugo gave KRY the permit his own star might rise. There is no doubt in my mind his Cia is also briefing him on this stuff. Keep your hats on. I'll be watching this to the end - end of Chavez I'm convinced.

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