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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: "A Government Without Pants"....

"A Government Without Pants"....

posted on Jan 20, 2010 06:53PM

....is like a day without sunshine...

Opposition organizes events for January 23
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Maria Alvarez, Alina Marin and Damaris Becerra during the press conference the projection direction to the Community College of Engineers unveiled at a press conference they are organizing a series of activities on 23 January, which aims to fight for defend the country, which work together with officers of the unit and university students in Ciudad Guayana to carry them out. In turn today reported that the Bureau will release Unitary guidelines to develop activities in Guyanese soil. They hope that people who make life in the region grapple with the call they are doing to raise the voice for the defense of the nation.

Krystal Rodriguez Agreda
Photo: Luis Castillo
In union there is strength

Maria Alvarez, Alina Marin and Damaris Becerra, active members of the projection direction to the Community are convinced that the union of wills can achieve the goal they want, which is merely defending the Venezuelan state. "Currently we are working on the projection direction to the Community College of Engineering, the Bureau of Unity and university students," said Alina Marin.

Women in struggle

Maria Alvarez, an active member of the Directorate of Community Outreach and Coordination of Civil Society urged Guyanese mothers and women to take control of the country driving. "I make a call to all Venezuelan women to take the decisive role in running the country and of life itself," he said. Similarly added that feminists should be added on January 23, "the rescue of the quality of life, because you have to understand that what is happening in the country is everybody's problem, 'we have to take seriously' .

"Ladies in Venezuela, we make a direct appeal to organize to defend this country, who gave us status and that in turn can not lose. The current government has no control of this nation, because the plan are not known, so that is causing that leads to a crisis that will ultimately result in chaos, "said engineer Maria Alvarez.

"A government without pants"

"If the government does not have the pants right place, here are fastened skirts and willing to defend this country now more than ever we need" and expressed the Engineer Damaris Becerra, an active member of the Directorate of Community Outreach College of Engineering.

Alina Marin, for his part stressed that the policies that government exercises are wrong, and lead the nation into a disaster.

"Women of Venezuela should take the front in the protests that are made, to defend the right of their children. Because it is regrettable that tomorrow our children will not know where they will work. We must defend the right of all young students of our country. Because the government knows how to manage, "the Engineer Alvarez.

Becerra, said the Government which administers the President Hugo Chávez, Venezuelan keeps in constant anxiety. "The government does not assume the role to be assumed true and every time we are announcing a new measure, and all this is doing to cover up their inefficiency when managing the Venezuelan state and believes that doing this kind of actions we will forget the true interests of the people. So take responsibly their mistakes, they are many. But the idea is not to be expropriated string of hits, because that goes against the right to work, rather she should focus on doing the job, "he said.

A call to workers

The Engineer Damaris Becerra, called on workers in basic industries to wake up and see the reality of these industries Guyanese and stressed that the country's democracy is at stake. "The active workers must leave to defend the companies in which they are working. Do it for your children is a matter of rescuing Ciudad Guayana "exalted.

Message to the Government

"If the government does not have the pants right place, here are fastened skirts and willing to defend this country now more than ever we need" and expressed the Engineer Damaris Becerra, an active member of the Directorate of Community Outreach College of Engineering.

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