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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: down .025

This is worrisome but it seems the market on Kry is reacting scared because of the legistator Jose Albornoz looking for loopholes in our contract with Vz. He seems hellbent to crush us or get us on the cheap. Mr marshall doesn't seem worried when he says he is just one of a couple hundred lawmakers implying he has no clout except in my opinion he must be the third most powerful legislator if he is the 2nd VP of the AN and would have a lot of influence.

T remember about 4 years ago when our stock was in the $4-$5 range and some legislator raised a complaint in the AN about KRY and stock started to move down. Stock-holders of KRY demanded Todd (?? I believe) to come out with a statement to counteract the slide and so publically announced that pretty much said something like "He is just one person blowing in the wind." This was the repeated "sooner than later" phrasing era as Todd tried to bolster support from stockholders. He also said he did not have any idea why the stock should be going down since to him everything was going as normal.

Perhaps some on this board who are long time holders remember those times and the mindset of the executive of KRY at that time who seeemed bewildered regarding the slide of pps.

As I said before something is going to be settled before the Sept 28th elections and for HC to benefit from it he needs 2-3 months advance decisions. That puts us in the June Aug time frame - 3rd quarter.

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