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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Ortega corruption allegations?

SI Gentlemen here we have evidence, there are pictures of the helicopter, not as your commander that leads them through the Internet. Lo que vemos aqui es una clara provocacion para desviar la atencion de las grandes dificultades Venezolanas, se imaginan si los militares tumban este helicoptero? What we see here is a clear provocation to divert the attention of the great difficulties Venezuelan, imagine if the military overthrow the helicopter? ahi mismo su Presidente aplazaria las elecciones de septiembre indefinidadmente, aqui no somos ignorantes este esta buscando cualquier pretexto para declararse Presidente Vitalicio. right there the President postponed the elections in September indefinidadmente, here are not ignorant that is seeking any pretext to declare himself President for Life.

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