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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: quinto dia. apologies to roy, LC INTERVIEW

I don't pay much attention to what Roy says but if this post is true then we may soon have a deal to everyone's satisfaction. Chavez and his 21st centuary revolution looking forward it seems is to have his 'socialist joint venture" system underpinning the running of the mine.

So to answer 'what gives" a rise in pps like this has to have a background explanation which i offer is that we may be close to a deal. We have to see if we can get to 50 cents or more today which may confirm something positive for us is taking place.

Announcing that a mine is to be built in LC will boost Chavez's popularity unless the protests have reached a critical mass and is noe too late

Time for all in Vz to take "Hourshowers". Bury him.

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