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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Nueva Prensa de Guyana (Sat. edition)

teut, i think "khan" has been a major player in this whole kry saga...1st he had sanz' job...immediately following his resignation for health reasons/promotion he became director of the central bank...

since he's gained control of the central bank we've seen the push toward gold backed bonds...

to put the icing on this conspiracy theory...i think now that the illegal miners are hitting dry dirt instead of easy gold, the mafia guys cant fly in, and buy gold at 25% spot and give 50% back to the BCV .....ven needs somebody to put some $$$ into developing the mine to continue a physical delivery.........now that hugo has essentially isolated the entire f'n world from investing in ven...he is now stuck with the original players...

now the ultimate question....can fung deliver on enough cash to develop a mine the size of LC in venezuela????

right now i can picture hugo sitting behind a desk and telling everyone willing to show up with a briefcase full of cash...."ya mang! we work wit ebrybody!! we get ju slosives, labor, big macheenes mang! ju are a friend mang!

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