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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Crystallex Reports Q1 2010 Financial Results...

This investor (Chinese IMHO) is buying on the open market because they know the price of becoming a strategic investor is higher than our current price. They also know that when they become an investor the permit will be in hand and our price will soar.

Jimmi....that sounds plausible enough. Three questions:

1. What is your best guess as to the MINIMUM number that our price will soar to (i.e. buyout "deal" price) given our situation?

No way to even guess unless we know what kind of deal it involves. I do know that Fung has made it clear that if we go to arbitration the figure would be 2 billion plus. To avoid arbitration and settle I can't see an offer under 1 billion which is about $3 per share after paying the noteholders.Any of the other options would be worth more than $3 a share.

If we are doing a true JV with whom ever then it would depend on what they are bringing to the table. It could be just cash or a combination of cash and financing for the mine.

If the JV is a strategic investor route then we are probably talking about a minority stake in Kry so that they don't have to pay the noteholders immediately because of loss of control. This is something the Chinese have been doing for quiet a while now. Look at the deal today with Penn West. The Chinese bought 45% stake.

2. Why Chinese and not people with bushier eyebrows?

I believe it is the Chinese because they have tons of US dollars that will become useless as the dollar continues to collapse. Their best option is to buy stakes in oil and resource companies with the US dollars to protect their value. The Chinese one of the biggest buyers of gold but they don't want to over pay. The easiest way is to buy future production for pennies on the dollar.

The Russians would love to get their hands on LC but are not willing to pay. They would rather use back door methods to try and steal LC from us. To me the Russians like to talk the talk but they can't walk the walk. The Chinese don't talk and know how to WOK! lol

3. Why did our share price not continue to rise today given your theory?

I've been watching the buying and selling on the TSX closely and what we seeing IMHO is very little selling. Anonymous is dominating the bid on most days trying to buy and when the asks start to dry up anonymous starts selling to drive the price down hoping people will see the down trend, start worrying about us pulling way back and putting their shares up for sale.

He did this when we moved from .45 back into the high .30s. He was a seller sometimes to himself and when it got to where he want he started buying everything up again. The fact we are holding at .50 for 3 days now is a good sign. I bought some at .51 because I feel like we will see a continued uptrend as we get closer the the conversion date and the AGM.

Remember this is just my opinion!

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