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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: China and Venezuela sign economic cooperation agreements long-term

I might be remembering this wrong, but wasn't Sanz supposed to have gotten payment (wages) to more of the illegal miners and never did because money ran out? I'd imagine some of the Chinese money might be used to appease past promised, indigent or almost indigent miners in the boonies (like our area). I said before I thought the Sanz/Hugo thing was a VZ version of good cop/bad cop. Sanz was such a good guy, held them off for a long while, then the bad cop Hugo tossed him out with the dishwater and morped into a new good cop. Don't you remember this part? Then Hugo burst into song with his red shirt flashing, laughing and dancing and allowing to be announced new business he'd cemented that would let the tortillas fly again! Sanz is probably sitting in some air conditioned patio, along a really pretty stretch of the Orinoco, goofing off and growing huge tomatoes. He's getting rested, waiting to be called back on stage again. Huh? Oh! Did I just dream that? Mercy...this stock can drive one loopers!


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