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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Government regains control of Las Cristinas


Weeks ago I posted that I believed Chavez was the reason for the delay in the joint venture deal between KRY and the Chinese.

Bullshit, I was told. Some posters even pulled out that old line: Cividale is a pessimist who keeps bringing up the bad history of KRY without realizing it's a brand new day......... and, even worse, some accused me of shorting the stock or maybe even of being a paid basher.

I was told it wasn't even possible that Venezuela was the roadblock because the deal was between KRY and the Chinese (without Ven involvement).

I was told it wasn't even possible that Chavez was the roadblock because he personally assured the Chinese he was in favor of the joint venture.

Well now no-bear writes that Richard Marshall emailed him that KRY is waiting for Venezuela to deliver on the verbal promises they made to the Chinese.

I guess we'll have to wait to see if Chavez finally comes through with promises he never seems to be able to keep.

But before he comes through with the promised permit I guess he'll need to spend some more time telling the world LC will be nationalized and mined by the Russians.

All this sorting out could take a while so I plan to go to my local bookstore and buy a 2011 calendar. It looks like I'll need it.


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