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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: end games financing?

The outlook to get favorable terms from anyone is somewhat bleak, or is it?

Still hoping for a resolution first but?

I have some questions but this is high finance stuff and way out of my leauge as far as knowlege area.

I dont think Fung's ability to make a deal to finance arbitration is the question as much as is there a profit to be made thru arbitration?

If the bondholders payoff and costs to arbitrate are 200M and the potential recovery is 2B wont some entity step in and finance for a potential 1.8B win?

If KRY were to give 2/3 of the potential profit as exchange for the financing, without any more share dilusion the PPS would equal about $1.50 (1.8 billion divided by 400M shares), which would mean the financeers take is 1.2 billion

If we were awarded 1B then the #s look like .75 cents PPS and .6 billion to the financeers.

Hopefully we get a 50/50 deal undern the same scenario

@2B (50% scenario) $2.25 PPS and .9B to financeers.

Seems like one could find investors to take this bet.

I guess we could just sell another 800M shares @ .25 cents that gives us 200M and finance our own arbitration and that would put us back to $1.50 PPS @ 2 billion settlement award.

Venezuelan arbitration awards keep being announced (but are they paid?). What is the mechanisim is in place to ensure an awarded payment would be made in our case?


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