Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: just a question(s) if I may.....


I agree with all that you have commented on today. If we were to get the permit it would have happened months ago. Hugo is not the type to be backed into a corner by anyone let alone a near bankrupt small Canadian miner. This thing is over. It's been over for a very long time. The Vens waited us out until we had very little money left. What is left is money to pay the bondholders x-amount on the dollar. The only thing we can look at positively at this point is the fact that a handful of large investors are still holding millions of shares that they could have sold in the last several months. If there is arbitration money to play this thing out to a final conclusion maybe we can be "hopeful" that KRY will deliver us from the abyss. Either way we are years from any conclusion and some may not live long enough to see the results in their bank accounts. Boy! KRY management sure put ANOTHER one over us last June. Crooks in suits.

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