Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Unless this is a prelude to a buy out...

CVG has just set the stage for a quick win for us in arbitration. They've canceled a valid contract with a half ass lame reason that cannot hold water. Bottom line is that we've been held hostage for long over their quoted 'year', unable to do anything due to their stalling.

"We cancelled your contract because we wouldn't let you honor it." Total oxymoron, from morons.

The resolution cites, as the basis for the termination of the MOC, Crystallex's lack of activity to progress the Las Cristinas Project for more than one year and "… for reasons of opportunity and convenience".

In regards to "for reasons of opportunity and convenience", whose 'opportunity and convenience are they referring to? Ours or theirs?

Arbitration is now a slam dunk. When GRZ filed, their price climbed.

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