Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Enough !

Give it a rest guys.

I'm not happy about where we currently sit right and have been wrong all along. No problem admitting I got sucked in just like everyone else who believed going the JV route would open the door to mining LC.

I have no idea if Kry management knew it wouldn't fly or not. At this point it doesn't really matter. Kry is no longer a mining stock as some one has pointed out. We are an arbitration play now and our price will be dictated by the facts surrounding our claim and the financial package that is put in place to see this through to the end.

I don't believe Kry has a set plan at this point because I think they have more than one option. First they must see what kind of deal they can make with the noteholders. Will they cooperate and support us through arbitration or will they want payment asap or when the term is up at the end of the year.

I see three options open to us.

1. The noteholders agree to help us by working out a deal on the debt.

2. Find someone to buy up the existing debt and finance new debt.

3. Bring in a partner with enough cash to see us to the end.

All options have costs that will dilute our award or settlement but that is the price of doing business.

I sincerely believe KRY wants nothing to do with VZ and LC any more. VZ has lied and cheated us for years while we have honored our contract. Many feel we should have filed earlier and while I can't disagree it would have saved money I think the route KRY has taken to make sure we are in good standing solidifies our legal case.

As far as giving VZ two option in our claim I don't think we really want to get the MOC and permit back. Kry has asked for monetary compensation for losses which is withing their right but they have to know VZ will never agree to that. This tells me we really don't want to go backwards. I don't see it as a bluff at all.

We will continue to struggle with our share price until the funding for arbitration is solved. Assuming we get an acceptable deal on the debt I think we will see our price rise.

I will wallpaper my garage with KRY shares before giving in to Hugo! I've been here for years now, what is another couple!


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