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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Chavez Illness Highlights 'Key Man Risk' in Venezuela

While it's a nice hope to believe that Hugo's cancer (or the reality of his mortality) might goad him into speeding up the arbitration process and to make deal with the Chinese to mine LC..... a deal that yields us a settlement........ based on history..... I don't see that happening.

History shows that when these nut job/dictators are short term, for any reason, they usually dig their heals in deeper into their distorted reality/ideology.

Therefore I would expect Hugo to accelerate his Bolivarian/Communist revolution with greater control over the means of production, nationalizations, more imprisonments of political opponents, etc. I don't expect Chavez to go quietly into the night.

History has also shown Hugo doesn't give a rat's ass about jobs for families/miners in Bolivar on LC, he doesn't care about publicly humiliating the Chinese (even though he needs their money) and he certainly doesn't care about a tiny North American (Evil Gringo) mining company on the verge of bankruptcy. So why would his cancer change his long held hardline distain for KRY?

History also shows us a refi with the existing pissed off bond holders is unlikely. Those negotiations probably broke down weeks ago. I think it's more likely KRY will try to raise more cash through equipment sales (probably again to the anonymous buyer of the first load of equipment) and then raise more money from new bondholders to pay off the existing pissed off bondholders.

This fresh money from new bond holders may be in the form of more stock or more likely an agreement that these money boys will get a huge chunk of any settlement. Or maybe a combo of both.

Now maybe this new money (for a big piece of the arb pie) comes from the Chinese or maybe somewhere else. I don't have a clue. But I'm guessing new money and not a refi with the old is Fung's current hope.


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